How it works

How it works

How does the Active Program works?

  • Your family member gets a special cell-phone with an alarm button set for our 24/7 call center, a drop sensor and GPS.
  • Pushing a single button is enough to get help. Our operator will receive the call and take measures.
  • You will be warned if something happens to your family member.
  • You can always find where he or she is.
  • If the person is lost, our operator will give directions to get home.

How does the Home Program works?

  • A person wears a special bracelet and a pendant with alarm buttons and drop sensors.
  • Pushing a single button is enough to get helped. Our operator will receive the signal, find out the problem using a loud speaker and send the help.
  • If a person has fainted and cannot push the button, the drop sensor will inform the operator on emergency that has occurred.
  • If something happens to your family member, you will be informed straight away.